MP BOARD Class 10th English Varshik Paper 2024 solution

MP BOARD Class 10th English Varshik Paper 2024 solution |वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर 2024 कक्षा 10वीं विषय अंग्रेजी

MP BOARD Class 10th English Varshik Paper 2024 solution : Hello friends welcome to our blog and in this post you will see that the MP Board Class 10th English Question paper Paper 2024 PDF  and also Read the all Important Question 

MP BOARD Class 10th English Question Paper 2024 solution

Total No. of Questions
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Time: 3 Hours ]
High School Examination (Main)-2023
(1) Read all the questions carefully
(Read the instructions given with the questions before attempting them
(Marks of each question are indicated against them

10th English varshik pariksha paper 2024 MP Board
Mp Board Class 10th English Question paper 2024

MP BOARD 10th English Varshik Pariksha Paper 2024 solution

(i) What does discipline do for a child?
he likes 7
(a) make himself happy
(e) develop good habits
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
Discipline must be enforced early in life. Discipline at home makes for
the future greatness of a boy. It forms his character and makes him a fit
citizen. The child who is allowed to have his own way becomes way-ward.
The child who is allowed all sorts of excesses like running about in the sun,
exposing himself to cold, eating wholesome things, as a result will fall ill
frequently. A child, whose habits have been disciplined and who has been
taught to rise early, attend to his lessons property, take physical exercises
at the proper time and avoid things that are injurious will grow up to be
a useful member of the society. The spoilt child who has been allowed to
run his own course will show vice in younger days. His parents would wish
that he had not been born at all.
(iv) Give a suitable title.
(a) greatness
(c) injurious
(iii) What are good habits ?
(a) Running in the sun
(b) Playing all the time
(c) Avoid things that are injurious
(n) forms character and makes him a ft citinon
(b) makes child dull.
(c) makes him strong.
(d) makes him way-ward.
(ii) What evils dees a child pick up when he is allowed to do what
(d) Exposing himself to cold

ENGLISH 10th varshik Pariksha paper 2024

(a) Importance of discipline (b) Running
(c) Playing
(v) What does Spoilt' mean?
(b) catch cold and fall ill
(4) develop discipline in him
(b) destroyed
(d) disciplined
(v) Garbages can be reused by -
(a) re-selling
(c) repairing
(d) Physical Exercises
[Maximun Marks: 80
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given
below it:
Garbage is a great environmental hazard. It comes from various sources
used paper, tiffin packings, plastic bags, ice-cream wrappers, bottle caps
fallen leaves from trees and many more. Garbage makes the premises ugly.
unkempt and breeds diseases. A lot of trash that is thrown away contains
material that can be recycled and reused such as paper, metals and glass
which can be sent to the nearest recycling centre or disposed of to the junk
dealer. It also contains organic matter such as leaves which can enrich soil
fertility. A compost pit can be made a convenient location where
can be placed with layers of soil and an occasional sprinkling of water. This
would help decomposition to make valuable fertilizer. This would also prevent
pollution that is usually caused by burning such organic waste.

Class 10th English Varshik Paper 2024 solution PDF

The main sources of Garbage in present conditions are
(a) Household things
(by Plots and other materials
(c) Water and liquid
(d) Cotton and clothes
(ii) Leaves can enrich
(al water
(b) soil
(c) air
(d) human body
(i) The noun form of the word "recycled" is-
(a) recycle
(b) recycling
(c) recyclingly
(iv) Give the meaning of the word "nearest"
(a) closest
(b) closely
(c) far
(d) to recycled
(b) recycling
(d) renovating
3 Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:
Games and sports are an important part of education. They help in the
development of the physique and mind of the student. A sound body possesses
a sound mind. If we are weak and sick, we cannot have a fertile brain Games
and sports keep us healthy. They keep us active and make us smart. Mere
bookish knowledge would not lead to be blended in a suitable proportion
so that the students can have the best of them. They should not only develop
the mind but also the body. Both are essential for a wholesome personality.
Games and sports have great value in student life. The foundation for
a virtuous is laid in school., The sports arens teachers many things to the
students give them discipline. It develops, their sportsman spirit, mental
outlook, cheerful nature, strong physique. All these are important traits of
successful life.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage make a note on it
using abbreviations if needed.
(ii) Give a suitable title to it

Mp Board varshik pariksha paper 2024 class 10th english

You are Naveen Sharma studying in Govt. H. Sec. School. Rewa
Write an application to your Principal for issuing you books from the
book bank.
Write a letter to your father telling him about your study.
Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about 150 words: 5
(i) Importance of Trees
(ii) Value of games and sports
(iii) Wonders of Science
(iv) My hobby
(v) Any Indian festival
Write a paragraph in about 150 words on "To Save Water".
Look at the visual input given below and produce a small description 3
about it. Write in 75 words.
411 S-102
Fill in the blanks: (any fie)
(i) We

Varshik pariksha paper 2024 class 10th English

(iii) They
(iv) I have been here
(v) I am not afraid
(vi) Look
(vii) He has
to serve our nation. (shduld, may, ought)
I come in the classroom. Sir ? (Cán. May, Need)
football in the evening. (plays, play, playing)
Monday. (for, since, to)
death, (on, of, off)
, you leap. (before, after, with)
one rupee note. (a. an. the)
8 Do as directed: (any five
(i) They did their work. Make negative)
(ii) My mother is cooking food. (Make interrogative)
(iii) Swimming is a good exercise. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with "It")
(iv) Preeti said. "Ishita is working." (Change the narration)
AV) The box is very heavy He can not lift it. (use 'so that and rewrite)
(vi) If he takes a taxi, he will reach the station on time.
(use unless in place of 1f)
(vii) She was drawing a pure. (Change the voice)
Answer the following questions:
(i) Lencho wrote a letter to
(a) Postmaster
(c) His wife
(ii) How many brothers did young seagull have ?
(a) one
(c) three
(b) Cod
(d) Postman
(iii) Who was with the young seagull on the ledge ?
(a) his mother
(b) his father
(c) his brother
(da he was alone
(b) two
(d) four
(a) her father
(c) her diary
(vi) Bread-making is popular in
(a) Mumbai
(c) Goa
(iv) The woman in the control centre looked at the narrator
(a) angrily
(b) strangely
(c) happily
(d) joyfully
(v) Anne's best friend was
(b her grandmother
(d) her teacher
(b) Delhi
(d) Chennai

वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर 2024 कक्षा 10 वीं अँग्रेजी

10 (a) Read the extract carefully and answer the questions given below it:
Wanda Petronski, most of the children in Room Thirteen didn't
have names like that. They had names easy to say, like Thomas, Smith
or Allen. There was only one boy named Bounce, Willie Bounce, and
people thought that was funny, but not funny in the same way that
Petronski was.
(b) Willie Bounce
(d) Wanda Bounce
Wanda didn't have any friends. She came to school alone and went
home alone. She always wore a faded blue dress that didn't hang right.
(i) Full name of Bounce was
(a) Thomas Bounce
(c) Allen Bounce
(ii) No. of rooms in which Wanda study are
(a) twelve
(b) fourteen
(c) six
(d) thirteen
(iii) Who went to home alone?
(a) Wanda
(c) Miss Mason
(b) Peggy
(d) Maddie

(b) Read the extract carefully and answer the questions :
What is the boy now, who has lost his ball.
What, what is he to do? I saw it go
Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then
Merrily over-there it is in the water
No use to say 'O there are other balls'.
(i) What has happened to the boy ?
(a) The boy was amusing (b)
(c) The boy was sad
(ii) Which word means the same as "merrily" ?
(a) cheerlessly
(c) jovially
(iii) The boy has lost his ball, it is in the
(a) market
(b) garden
(c) house
(d) water
The boy was happy
(d) The boy was cheerful

Mp Board Class 10th English Question paper 2024 PDF

11 Answer the following questions (30 words): (any six)
Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him?
Why/Why not?
(b) unhappily
(tl) miserably
(ii) Where did the ceremonies take place ? Can you name any public
buildings in India that are made of sandstone ?
(iii) "The sight of the food maddened him." What does this suggest ?
What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?
(iv) What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator
(v) Anne says teachers are most unpredictable. Is Mr. Keesing unpredictable?
(vi) Who won the drawing contest? What had the winner drawn?
(vii) What did Mr. Petronski's letter say?
(viii) What does a 'jackfruit-like appearance' mean?
411 / S-102

10th Class english mp Board varshik paper 2024

12 Answer the following questions in 30 words (any two)
(i) What is a 'dust of snow? What does the poet say has changed his
mood? How has the poet's mood changed?
(ii) Why does the poet say, "I would not intrude on him"? Why doesn't
he offer him money to buy another ball ?
(iii) Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so ?
14 Answer the following questions (75 words): (any two)
(i) How did Mandela's 'hunger for freedom' change his life? 

Class 10th English final Exam Question paper 2024 MP Board

13 Answer the following questions (30 words): (any two)
(i) Why does Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog's recovery is "a triumph of
surgery" ?
(ii) What does he say about the different reactions of people when they
are robbed ?
(iii) Why does Mrs. Hall find the scientist eccentric ?
(ii) Why does Maddie stand by and not do anything? How is she different
from Peggy? Why?
411 / S-102
(iii) How do you usually understand the idea of 'selfishness'? Do you agree
with Kisa Gotami that she was being 'selfish in her grief ?
15 Do you know the story of Rapunzel ? Why does she (Amanda) want
to be Rapunzel ?
16 What other extraordinary things happen at the inn?
How do they replace the necklace ?
Where are the trees in the poem? What do their roots, their leaves and their
twigs do?

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